陈 杰,韩成友,陈 苑,吴开立,全 阳★
(湛江市三岭山森林公园管理处,广东 湛江 524012)
摘 要:植物区系的研究是评价一个地区植物起源和演化的基础,对当地生态安全具有主导作用。 本文通过传统踏
查法对三岭山森林公园的种子植物进行全面调查及统计,共有 110 科 347 属 477 种,乔木 53 科 122 属 161 种,灌木 54
科 139 属 190 种,草本 40 科 98 属 112 种,藤本 10 科 12 属 14 种;并对其植物区系及其驱动力进行分析,区系成分以热
Analysis on the flora of seed plants and driving force in Sanlingshan
Mountain Forest Park of Guangdong Province
Chen Jie, Han Chengyou, Chen Yuan, Wu Kaili, Quan Yang★
(Sanlingshan Mountain Forest Park Management Office of Zhanjiang City, Zhanjiang Guangdong 524012, China)
Abstract: The study of flora is the basis to evaluate the origin and evolution of plants in a region, which plays a leading role in local
ecological security.In this paper, the seed plants of Sanlingshan Mountain Forest Park were comprehensively investigated and
counted through the traditional footwork method, and there were 477 species of 347 genera in 110 families, 161 species of 122
genera in 53 families, 190 species of 139 genera in 54 families of shrubs, 112 species of 98 genera in 40 families of herbs, and 14
species of 12 genera in 10 families of rattan. The seed plant flora and its driving force were analyzed, this is characterized by its
dominant tropical components, and driven mainly by the human activities.
Key words: Sanlingshan Mountain; flora of seed plants; driving force